Climatek Industries
We project and realize industrial air conditioners for industrial environments in extreme climatic conditions, characterised by high temperatures and/or dustiness and air pollutants. We submit our machines to tests that certificate the performance and that guarantee to the client the efficiency of the project conditions.
Particular attention is paid to facilitate the maintenance of the internal components. All the panels are easily removable because without fixing screws.
Thanks to the experience gained in the sector and to the support of design instruments, we produce custom air conditioners that satisfy specific customer needs.
Climatek Industries - industrial air conditioningProgettiamo e realizziamo condizionatori industriali per ambienti ad elevata temperatura e polverosità e per atmosfera potenzialmente esplosiva. Conosciamo l'esigenze specifiche dei settori industriali più complessi quali: minerario, siderurgico, navale, militare e petrolchimico. Le nostre soluzioni possono essere installate in cabine carroponte, palchi di manovra, containers & shelters, cabine elettriche, cabine di comando, sale operatorie e clean rooms.
Pubblicato da Climatek Industries su Martedì 1 dicembre 2020

Quality, innovation and efficiency: those the values that direct all our activities.
A continuous and costant commitment permits us to grow quickly in the time and today it permits us to look at the future with confidence
Francesco Ciullo, General Manager

Functionality, product safety and simplification of the maintenance operations are the main characteristics of our products.

Every single component that we realize is submit to costant and continuous quality tests during the productive process.

Through a team composed by a qualified technical staff, we offer after-sales direct support.

Why choose us
- Reliability
- Rapidity
- Accuracy
- We are italians